Reverse Address Resolution Protocol - traduzione in olandese
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Reverse Address Resolution Protocol - traduzione in olandese

IP address         
IP addresss; IP Address; IP number; Internet protocol address; Internet Protocol address; IP adress; Internet address; Internet Address; Ip address; Server address; IP addresses; Dynamic IP address; Dynamic IP; Dynamic ip; Dynamic ip address; Static IP address; I.P. address; IP mapping; Static IP; IP addressing; Dynamic IP addresses; Dedicated IP address; Internet Protocol Address; Ip addresses; Net address; IP Addressing; IP Adress; IP address conflict; Static ip address; IP-Address; Shared IP address; IPDi Zhi; Public IP; Internet protocol Address; IPA address; Sticky ip; Sticky dynamic IP address; Autoconfiguration ip address; I/P address; I/P; Autoconfiguration IP address; Ip number; Sticky IP; IPaddress; IPLocation; Public IP Address; Public IP address; Dedicated IP; Internet Protocol Addresses; IP Addresses; I.P. Addresses; Dynamic ip range; Inet address; I. P. address; Sticky dynamic IP; User talk:Jeff G./IP Address conflict; Shared IP; Dynamic IPs; Network prefix; IP add; Static IP addresses; Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/IP Address conflict; Draft:IP address conflict; IP Address conflict; IP Address Conflict; IP address Conflict; Ip address conflict; Routing prefix; IP-adress; Internet Protocol addresses
internet adres, numeriek adres dat een bepaalde computer aangeeft op het netwerk
network protocol         
  • Figure 2. The TCP/IP model or Internet layering scheme and its relation to some common protocols.
  • Figure 3. Message flows using a protocol suite. Black loops show the actual messaging loops, red loops are the effective communication between layers enabled by the lower layers.
  • Figure 5: Protocol and software layering. The software modules implementing the protocols are represented by cubes. The information flow between the modules is represented by arrows. The (top two horizontal) red arrows are virtual. The blue lines mark the layer boundaries.
Network protocol design principles; Data transmission protocol; Networking protocol; Protocol (computing); Protocol (computer science); Protocol (communication); Protocol (communications); Network protocols; Communication protocols; Communications protocols; Internetwork protocol; Protocol (networks); Protocol (network); Networking protocols; Protocols (computing); Protocol set; Data communication protocol; Protocol testing; Network Protocols; Binary protocol; Protocol (computer); Protocol versioning; Computer protocol; Protocol layer; Network protocol; Protocol design; Internetworking Protocol; Text-based protocol; Plain text protocol; Web protocol; Communications protocol; Universal protocols; Telecommunication protocol; Telecommunications protocol; Transmission protocol; History of communication protocols; Binary protocols; Wire image (networking)
netwerk protocol, methode van communicatie tussen computers op een lokaal netwerk
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol         
een reeks regels van adresontcijfering die vertaling van fysiek internet adres in IP-adres mogelijk maakt (in hoofdzaak gebruikt bij computers zonder harde diskette om IP-adres vast te stellen) om gegevens tussen twee systemen uit te wisselen


address resolution
<networking> Conversion of an Internet address into the corresponding physical address (Ethernet address). This is usually done using Address Resolution Protocol. The resolver is a library routine and a set of processes which converts hostnames into Internet addresses, though this process in not usually referred to as resolution. See DNS. (1996-04-09)


Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
The Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is an obsolete computer communication protocol used by a client computer to request its Internet Protocol (IPv4) address from a computer network, when all it has available is its link layer or hardware address, such as a MAC address. The client broadcasts the request and does not need prior knowledge of the network topology or the identities of servers capable of fulfilling its request.